NSM number 29 includes:
- One of The Golden Rays' new favourite artists Knoffy
- Freddie Meadows recounts tales of hunting for waves in part two of Ivar's Eyes
- Sailing from Cornwall to Norway, the long way round, on a 33 foot yacht with James Aiken
- Jeff Roussel on being the first longboarder in Stadlandet, Norway
- Heath Joske divulges how he was forced to go from simple fisherman to environmental activist
- An introduction to Seamus Fox
- All wrapped up with photographs & illustrations by Hallvard Kolltveit, Fjordlapse, Sasao Kazuyoshi, Marcus Paladino, Hampus Marcussen, Agnes Maltesdotter, Chris McClean, Petter Foshaug and Eric Hosford
116 pages.
Hailing from Scandinavia NSM is the definitive cold water surfing magazine, there's a hell of a lot of neoprene on its pages! Every issue is fully written in English and accompanied by stunning photography and illustrations. The articles in NSM are always a fascinating insight into possibly the most committed substrata of surf culture. Whilst surfing is at the forefront, NSM also has a strong environmental bent, expect articles on activism, food chains and wildlife. I guess that's part of the deal when you're surfing on the wildest frontiers of the European continent!